Digging in Delta 8 THC


Consumers of cannabis products have seen a sharp increase in the popularity of the cannabinoid delta-8. How to buy delta 8 is not even in question now.

Isomer of Delta 9

The chemical compound that causes the feeling of being high while consuming cannabis, delta-8-THC, is an isomer or chemical analog of delta-9-THC.

Distinguishing Delta 8 and Delta 9

The placement of a double bond amid carbon atoms 8 and 9 as opposed to carbon atoms 9 and 10 distinguishes delta-8-THC's chemical makeup from delta-9-THC.

Comparing Delta 9 and its younger sibling:

Compared to delta-9-THC, delta-8-THC has a low propensity for the CB1 receptor, resulting in less psychoactive potency.

Although in far lower percentages than delta-9-THC, delta-8-THC can be found naturally in cannabis.

Delta 8 and Farm Bill

While the 2018 Farm Bill didn't address delta-8-THC explicitly, it essentially authorized the sale of products containing delta-8-THC generated from hemp with no restrictions.

Exploring Delta 8 scientifically

Little is known regarding delta-8-THC experiences or effects in medical or recreational users.

Six research volunteers were administered delta-8-THC and delta-9-THC in 1973.

Early results

Regardless of the small sample range, the researchers concluded that delta-8-THC was around two-thirds as strong as delta-9-THC.

It was noted that its experience effects were qualitatively comparable.



Delta 8 effects on cancer patients

Eight young cancer patients were given delta-8-THC by researchers in 1995, two hours before each chemotherapy treatment.

None of these individuals vomited after their cancer treatments for 8 months.

Delta 8 – a viable pick

In line with other study results, the researchers concluded that delta-8-THC constituted a more stable compound than delta-9-THC.

They also suggested that delta-8-THC might be a viable pick for novel treatments than delta-9-THC.

Surge in sales

Late in 2020, ⅓ of people knew how to buy delta 8 THC as it had a sharp uptick in sales, drawing the attention of American cannabis users and processors nationwide.

Early in 2021, most states had access to delta-8-THC, one of the hemp-derived products with tremendous growth.

Lack of evidence regarding the Addictive properties of Delta 8

Because there haven't been enough studies on the addictive properties of delta-8-THC, 14 U.S. States have recently prohibited its sale.

Experimental evidence must serve as the foundation for all policies and procedures, particularly those regarding substance abuse and public health.

Need for well-established guidelines

To more effectively guide initiatives and give guidelines for future scientific investigation, studies should aim to clarify the perspectives of delta-8-THC users.  

An experimental strategy should be adopted to discuss encounters with the drug leading to a comprehensive survey before people misunderstand how to buy delta 8 THC.



For the best of Delta 8

Quantifiable rating elements with qualitative, open-ended questions should be integrated so that participants can give feedback with a wealth of information.

With fewer side effects, delta-8-THC may offer many of the experience-based advantages of delta-9-THC.

Delta 8 hindered by legality

Although the legality positions of both delta-8-9-THC hamper these investigations, an additional systematic study is required to verify respondent reports.

Collaborative efforts across sectors between researchers, policymakers, and members of the industry could hasten the development of information about cannabinoids.



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